ABI’s main role is to develop workplace policy and to shape debate on major workplace relations issues. As an organisation of employers, it will always develop or respond to workplace issues from the perspective of business.
ABI has three key functions
- Representation of members' interests in test cases, award matters and inquiries before the Fair Work Commission, the New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission and the Federal Courts.
- Advocacy and lobbying on behalf of employers' interests to federal and NSW government departments, regulatory authorities, ministers and opposition representatives about workplace and industrial relations issues.
- Information and education of members regarding developments in industrial relations and workplace law and policy matters. ABI also provides assistance for members to comply with relevant workplace and related legislation.
ABI Rules amended as at April 2022.
- On 24 December 2021, Australian Business Industrial (ABI) notified the General Manager - Fair Work Commission of changes to its rules. The changes were approved by ABI Council at its 8 December 2021 meeting.
- On 27 April 2022 the delegate of the General Manager of the Fair Work Commission certified rules amendments under s159(1) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009.
View the certificate here.
The ABI Privacy Policy, which is subject to the Privacy Act and APPs, regulates how we collect, use and disclose personal information.
ABI began life as the Chamber of Manufactures of NSW (CMNSW) which was established in 1885 and the CMNSW registered as an industrial organisation in the NSW industrial system in April 1925. The CMNSW changed its name to the Chamber of Manufactures of NSW (Industrial) in November 1995 when the CMNSW separated into an industrial organisation and Australian Business Limited. In May 1999 the CMNSW(I) changed its name to Australian Business Industrial.
In July 2006 following the expansion of the federal industrial system, ABI gained transitional federal registration and in October 2009, ABI became fully registered in the national industrial system. In May 2012 ABI relinquished its registration in the NSW industrial system.
The Council of Australian Business Industrial (ABI) is elected from its membership each four years.
The last election for the Council was held in March 2021 and appointed 13 new Councillors.
Stage 2 Elections to appoint office bearers was held in June 2021. On 1 July 2021 the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) declared the results of the stage 2 election.
The AEC is required to make such a report after an election is conducted by ABI. The report contains the results of the election and discusses other matters such as whether there were any irregularities with the conduct of the election or any rules of the AFPA which were difficult to interpret or apply.
The official AEC Declaration of Results and Post-Election Report is below.
- Declaration of Results for 13 Uncontested Offices
- Declaration of Results Stage 2 - Office Bearers
- Post Election Report
Australian Business Industrial reports to members within four months of the financial year ending.
The 2023-2024 Annual report contains the President's review of the year together with the financial report of the year's operations. View ABI's Annual Reports below:
ABI policy is based on research, member consultation and dialogue with government ministers, department heads and industry leaders. ABI:
- responds to the needs and concerns of members;
- works with other employer/business organisations to make joint or consistent submissions when doing so better serves members and the interests of business; and
- capitalises on the experience of elected ABI Councillors who are from a variety of industries and understand practical realities and issues facing business.
We seek to respond appropriately whenever regulation likely to impact the workplace is being considered, and to persuade government to make necessary changes to existing regulation. It works to ensure that our policy positions are founded on practical business experience and command respect in government.
As a member of Business NSW, you can become a member of Australian Business Industrial free of charge.
If you're already a Business NSW member and want to activate your ABI membership, call us.