This financial year, productivity is at the core of our policy agenda. With the economy slowing and insolvencies rising, boosting productivity across all sectors is more crucial than ever. 

Our policy focus centers on enhancing business productivity through digitisation, automation, and workforce efficiency. We are also committed to improving overall economic productivity by refining the systems businesses rely on, including energy, insurance, and the skills system.

This year, our dedication to productivity will shape all our efforts. We will produce insightful reports, such as Insurance at the Speed of Business, and conduct regular business conditions surveys to generate the data, analysis, and advocacy needed to support our members. Through articles, research reports, and advocacy, BNSW will lead discussions on productivity and ensure the information we provide helps our members tackle upcoming challenges effectively.

Whether you are in manufacturing, services, or any other sector, our work is designed to equip you with the resources, knowledge, and support necessary to navigate these changes.

However, we face significant challenges. NSW represented 42% of Australia’s insolvencies in 2023-24, despite accounting for only 31% of the population. Recent BNSW data reveals that 38% of businesses view taxes and government charges as major barriers to expansion, highlighting critical issues for both state and federal governments.

To address these challenges, we will actively seek your feedback. We will host surveys and focus groups every two to three months, giving you opportunities to share your experiences and ideas, which will directly influence our work.

We are keen to collaborate closely with you to build a more productive and prosperous business community. Together, we can navigate these challenging times and emerge stronger.