Impact of REZ on Rural and Regional Communities and Industries in NSW
About this Submission
Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) in NSW are a key pillar of the NSW energy transition. These REZs cluster and connect large-scale renewable energy projects to capitalise on economies of scale and deliver clean, affordable, and reliable energy. Five REZs have been declared to date including the Central West Orana (CWO), Hunter-Central Coast (HCC), New England (NE), South West (SW) and Illawarra.
This once in a generation energy transition and the delivery of the REZ’s has several impacts to rural and regional communities and their businesses. However, with the transition and delivery of the REZ’s comes many new opportunities to the community and their businesses. Building on the strengths of the REZ’s region’s valuable natural assets, industry capability, skilled workforce and existing industry base in agriculture and mining, the development for renewable energy projects bring economic opportunities to regional NSW for new and diversified industries.