We’ve harnessed your insights on energy, insurance, taxation and other critical issues to drive change and achieve outcomes that directly benefit your daily operations.  

What have we achieved?  

Your input – via our business conditions survey, skills surveys, regional advisory councils, committees, events, interactions with regional directors, and the Regional Presidents Forum – has enabled us to secure significant victories in the past financial year, including:   

  • capping average workers compensation increases at 8%, when iCare was recommending 22%  

  • no major new taxes on business   

  • prompting a NSW Government review of the Emergency Services Levy, which adds hundreds of dollars to business insurance premiums 

  • successfully advocating for the extended operation of the Eraring coal-fired power plant, which will help keep power prices down and better guarantee supply as we transition to other energy sources  

  • increasing investment in Vocational Education and Training (VET) to alleviate skills shortages, and  

  • securing a commitment from the new Labor State Government to enhance small business procurement. Recent changes increase the threshold for direct engagement with SMEs on government contracts from $150,000 to $250,000. Soon businesses will need to be insured only when a contract has been won, not beforehand.  

  • securing $315 energy rebates for 320,000 eligible businesses  

  • helping increase housing supply via the establishment of the Housing Now! alliance. This has ushered in the creation of NSW Government policy on more medium housing density around train stations, as well as integrating both artificial intelligence and pattern book housing design policies into the planning system.   

These achievements reflect our collective effort and your dedication to sharing your experiences and concerns with us.  

Why your voice matters  

Throughout the past year, your voices have resonated across numerous platforms. We submitted 35 detailed submissions, participated in six parliamentary inquiries, and engaged in about 120 consultative committees spanning energy, skills, infrastructure, environmental protection, workplace safety, and more. Business NSW represent our members on about 40 government advisory bodies.  

Your involvement strengthens the collective voice of the business community. It highlights shared challenges and successes, presenting a united front that demands attention. When we present data and real-life business owner stories that reflect the experiences of businesses across NSW, it carries weight and credibility that is essential for effective advocacy.  

Business Conditions Survey  

It’s time to reflect on the challenges and opportunities for your business. Complete our five-minute survey so that we can advocate for a better deal for business.  

Fill out the Business Conditions Survey here.