The changes from tomorrow include:

  • No density limits (previously one person per 2sqm for hospitality venues)
  • QR check-ins scrapped apart from nightclubs and music festivals of more than 1,000 people. Hospitals can use their existing systems
  • Singing and dancing permitted at all venues except musical festivals
  • The recommendation to work from home will change and be returned to the employer’s discretion

While from Friday 25 February:

  • Masks are only mandatory on public transport, planes and indoors at airports, hospitals, aged and disability care facilities, corrections facilities and indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people
  • Masks encouraged indoor where you cannot safely distance from others and for customer-facing retail staff
  • Singing and dancing is permitted at music festivals
  • Attendees of music festivals of more than 1,000 people must have at least two doses of the Covid vaccine

“This is a sensible and much sought-after decision from the NSW Government, and one that business totally supports,” said Business NSW Chief Executive Daniel Hunter.

“What this means is that businesses can now plan for their future – staff will return to the office and revitalise our CBD’s, supporting small businesses that have been on their knees,” Mr Hunter said.

“One of the biggest barriers to people returning to the office has been the requirement to wear a mask while sitting at a desk, that’s been taken away now, and employers will be already talking to their staff about a return to the office plan.

“Those in the hospitality sector can begin to trade normally again with the prospect of a change in density limits and the number of patrons they can have in their premises hanging over their heads,” Mr Hunter said.



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