This includes ensuring that all directors, officers, employees, suppliers, and their respective relatives and dependents of Business NSW and its subsidiaries feel empowered, and have the confidence, to ‘speak up’ about issues or conduct within the Business NSW group which concerns them.

Business NSW’s Whistleblower Policy sets out the mechanisms and protections that are in place to allow the above stakeholders to identify and report genuine concerns about illegal conduct, misconduct or an improper state of affairs, without fear of reprisals.

The group’s whistleblower regime is administered by the group’s in-house legal and human resources functions and ultimately overseen by the Business NSW Board and its Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee.

If any of the abovenamed stakeholders has a concern that a Business NSW group entity or its personnel has acted unlawfully or engaged in misconduct or an improper state of affairs pertains to the entity or its personnel, then the stakeholder is encouraged to report their concern to Business NSW’s Whistleblower Officer.

The group’s Whistleblower Policy is available to directors, officers and employees on the group’s intranet.  Those stakeholders who do not have intranet access may request a copy of the Whistleblower Policy from the Whistleblower Officer.

If an individual feels uncomfortable reporting their concerns to the  Whistleblower Officer, then they may wish to consider discussing the matter with their lawyer or reporting the matter to a director, or member of the Executive Leadership Team, of Business NSW.

Business NSW’s Whistleblower Officer is: Chris Burubu

General Counsel & Company Secretary Email: Telephone: 13 26 96